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Computer Question Bank
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Which one of the following is not a multitasking operating system?
  1. DOS
  2. Windows
  3. Unix
  4. Linux

Q2. Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory?

  1. Non volatile
  2. Permanent
  3. Control unit
  4. Temporary
Correct Answer

Q3. Which components appear in the initial windows start up display?

  1. Dialog box
  2. Task bar
  3. Start menu
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. Computer Network is

  1. Collection of hardware components and computers
  2. Interconnected by communication channels
  3. Sharing of resources and information
  4. All of the Above
Correct Answer

Q5. Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers?

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Dr. Herman Hollerith
  3. Howard Aikin
  4. Joseph Jacquard
Correct Answer

Q6. Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?

  1. Hard disks
  2. High-density disks
  3. Diskettes
  4. Templates
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: Microsoft Office Word is a (n) _____.

  1. area in the computer’s main memory in which Microsoft Office text files are stored temporarily
  2. program included with Windows 2000 that can be used only to create or edit text files, smaller than 64K, that do not require formatting
  3. classified password that prevents unauthorized users from accessing a protected Microsoft Office item or document
  4. full-featured word processing program that can be used to create and revise professional looking documents easily
Correct Answer

Q8. Who is called a supervisor of computer activity?

  1. CPU
  2. OS
  3. Control Unit
  4. Application Program
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:When you link data maintained in Excel workbook to a Word document

  1. The Word document cannot be edited
  2. The Word document contains a reference to the original source application
  3. The word document must contain a hyperlink
  4. The word document contains a copy of the actual data
Correct Answer

Q10. From where do you change mouse setting?

  1. Setting >> mouse
  2. Hardware setting
  3. Control panel >> mouse
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

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